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She knows how to count!
At nineteen months, she shocked me by pointing to two butterflies I'd drawn on her etch-a-sketch, and lifting up two pudgy fingers. Now, at 21 months, the lifting of the two fingers is accompanied by a loud, "dooo" - a combination of 'two' and the Hindi word for it, 'do'.
Although she knows what fingers one to five represent while counting, her favourite remains two, and as a result, anything she counts adds up to "dooo".

She also knows all the main colours - red (aed), blue (booo), yellow (ell), black (wack), white (aaeet), green (geee), purple, orange (indecipherable sounds, but they always remain the same for purple and for orange).
She points to the right colour always, when you ask her a question like, "where's red?" She'll even look around the room and point out the first red thing she sees. But, if you point to a red object, and ask what colour it is, her favourite go-to option is "booo".

[Illustration by Rina Z. on]
