So, a few days ago, you and I were sitting together - I read, while you scribbled with assorted crayons and sketch pens on your drawing pad. (Also, I looked up every few minutes to make sure you weren't eating any of the crayons. Of course, I had to fish out a few chewed pieces!)
You must've called me to see something, and I casually asked you to draw a circle, as I often do. And you moved your pen in a circular, oval-ish shape, as you often do. Then, I asked you to draw a triangle - not expecting that you actually would - or even could - draw one!
A month ago, you wrote '3' when I asked you to. In the photo on this post, the 3 in yellow is yours, and I wrote the one in red after you'd written it first. I knew then that you knew counting till 5, and could also tell me accurately how many things (up to 5) of one kind there were in front of you. But, you really took me by surprise by writing the digit on just my casually asking you to.
Day before yesterday, we were driving to Gurgaon, and you were in your Naani's lap in the back seat. She asked you to write various numbers on the foggy windows, and you wrote them all. Only, you wrote '6' the other way round, with the circle facing left.
A day before that you opened Daadi's iPhone, and navigated to the calculator. I randomly asked you were 5 was, and you pointed to the correct digit. I kept asking you to point out numbers in random order, up to 9, and you got them all right! You only hesitated on '8', and I asked you to remember the number we press the button for in our lift, and you remembered, correctly.
You amaze me so much, baby. We're still a week and a half away from your second birthday, and you already know SO MUCH!
I've been reading about home-schooling, and like the idea of it. But I have doubts about it being the right thing for you.
Ah, well - we'll figure it out by the time we have to. In the meantime, I shall continue to be amazed at your little brain.