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22 months

Her great loves at 22 months:
Dogs -- all dogs, but especially loves Brandy and Muffin, and has separate relationships with each of them, changing her behaviour according to their personalities
Cats, cows, birds, all animals, actually -- I can't wait to show her an elephant and make her sit on a horse
Books -- loves her picture books, and has already 'read' about 55 books in the last 7 months
Playing with water, watering the plants
The phone [insert eye roll] and watching nursery rhyme videos on it
Meeting new people
Going out with us and having new experiences
Loves playing with other children, especially Semara
Met Mahi last weekend, and asked to let us carry her around like all the adults were; when I made Mahi sit in her lap, touched her so gently and then kissed her without being asked to
Loves her Naani the most-est! Instantly cheers up when doing a video call with her, but also talks to everyone in the family on video, and loves it.

Words she can say:
Du-du (milk)

Colours she can recognise:

Shapes she can recognise:

Other skills:

  • Can count up to 5 objects and show the right number of fingers on one hand
  • Can recognise multiple animals, vehicles, fruits and vegetables, activities
  • Can make animal sounds for dog, cat, lion, bear, snake, bee, sheep, horse, goat, bird
  • Knows many rhymes, and can do actions while you say them out loud -- favourites are Pat-a-cake, Twinkle Twinkle, Ba-ba Black Sheep, and Humpty Dumpty.
  • Can put on her pajamas by herself, and just needs help pulling them up from the back
  • Can eat with a toddler spoon and fork
  • Can use a magnetic fishing rod in the bath-tub and 'catch' magnetic fish
  • Loves books, and has recently started looking through books on her own
  • Brings me books to read to her after she has decided which one she wants to read
  • Says hi to everyone she meets, and bye too -- is often surprised when adults don't reciprocate
  • Understands social behaviour when eating out of the house, and though she'll upturn her plate often at home, hardly ever does it when we're outside
  • Is beginning to understand restaurant eating, and tries different food when eating at one, even though she may not try the same things at home
  • Has recently started talking non-stop gibberish, where one can make out one or two intelligible words too
  • Understands a 'circle' enough to try to draw it, and drawing is becoming more confident; doesn't yet understand the concept of filling a shape with colour
  • Understands the basics of pooping and peeing in the pot, and gets excited and claps when she does it; also picks up the removable bowl of her little pot and takes it to the big pot in our bathroom to empty and wash; also wants to go throw her diaper into the dustbin on her own
  • Has understood the concept of choice right from when she was about 17 months old -- knows which books she wants you to read to her, which song she wants you to sing her to sleep with, knows whether she is too keyed up and can't fall asleep on her own, and thus, will need you to talk her to sleep, or whether just lying down with her and patting her to sleep will be enough -- chooses what she wants and sticks with her decision, unless changing her mind is part of fighting sleep :)
  • While doing a video call, knows which way to turn the phone to show the other person what she wants them to see on the front camera -- her books, one of the dogs, any other object in the room


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