There's something about your baby being unwell that shocks you with how you feel.
This morning you vomited thrice, and I know it was just acidity, probably because you've been on antibiotics for a chest infection and fever, and now you're sleeping in, as I sit next to you and type this. After the third time, I had vomit running down the inside of my night-shirt, and woke up your Dad to keep an eye on you as you slept, while I went to wash up and change my clothes - when suddenly, a tiny hand snaked out from under the covers, held mine tightly, and you said, "Mama", and pulled me close. Needless to say, I didn't go wash up until you were safely fast asleep, and would've gladly sat next to you for hours if you wanted me to.
I know it's nothing, but seeing you surprise yourself as you get sick, just breaks my heart.
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